Thursday, November 10, 2022

Fighting For This Nation

African American Fighter Pilot


Ever since this nation was a collection of colonies black people have been involved in the fight for this nation's independence and freedom. However, the preservation of history with regard to this subject has not always been kind to black people's contribution. Every major conflict from 1776 to modern-day global conflicts African American people have participated in and distinguished themselves. The American African history in this country did not begin with slavery. In fact, if the history surrounding this topic were accurate, it would be prominently noted that not every black person in America during the days of slavery was a slave. When Frederick Douglass proposed to Abraham Lincoln that black people should be allowed to fight for the union in the war between the states. Many southerners in congress only saw the "slaves" as being "armed" which to them was, not good ju-ju. 

Of course, our ancestors, many of which were born in Africa, did participate in the Civil War, and much like in the colonial war, that ended in 1776, the African American contributions stood out. The same would be true for WWI, WWII, and all the other major armed conflicts this nation participated in. In fact, if history had been accurately taught in schools back then, it would have been known that African people can commit to war and be just at victorious as anyone else on this planet. Simply sharing the knowledge about the African Queens, and Kings, who took on the Roman Empire and won not only battles but Roman's respect, might have been enough. 

Just as I point out that not all black people during the days of slavery were slaves, I also point out that not all of the slaves forced to come to America were dumb, or unskilled. They may not have understood the customs or the language, but many of the slaves, especially those who were Muslim actually had more educational knowledge than those who enslaved them. I'm talking about slaves who had built bridges, temples, and entire kingdoms before ending up a slave. A lot of the Muslim slaves went to South America and were highly regarded for their cleverness. 

These slaves would eventually overthrow their enslavers and claim the nation of Haiti for their own. Many of those in congress, at the time, who did not want to see the slaves armed to fight for the union knew about the above history, the history that showed what armed black people with a purpose could do, and it gave them nightmares. But by then black people were no longer fighting to get back to Africa. America is the only home the ancestors of the slaves (us) have ever known. 

Still, every American African should know the history of their roots the African Kings and Queens who ruled over Egypt, and how Africa was the first true world power. That knowledge can show you what makes American Africans some of the most fierce fighters in uniform. American Africans will always protect home.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Note about the Atlantic Slave Trade

Canva Slave Trade Art


The Slave Trade When it came to slavery and the slave trade in America (in the form of the colonies) America should not be standout. America was one of the members of the worldwide slave trading market. During the days when slavery was, a trading commodity ships flying the flags of many different nations were committed to the global slave economy and Africa was not the only donor to the slave trade. 

In fact, the first European ships traveling to Africa brought slaves to Africa to trade for Africa's riches of gold, diamond, ivory, and more. African slaves taken from Africa were taken to the east by Muslim slave traders into the Sahara and to the west coast of Africa by African slave traders where the slaves were shipped across the Atlantic Ocean to become part of the Atlantic Slave trade. Africa itself used slaves in its own economy. 

Eventually, the worldview on slavery would change and set in motion a chain of events that would eventually lead to the abolishment of slavery almost everywhere in the world. I have always looked at the Juneteenth Celebration as a way to honor all of the African ancestors who only knew life in chains during their lifetime and the several generations of American Africans that would follow them. Juneteenth is also the perfect time to honor all of the black Americans who first fought for the freedom of this country and the July 4th, 1776 celebration without being recognized as citizens of the nation, United States, they were fighting for and, who would later fight in the Civil War for this nation and their own freedom. 

I would also include American Africans like Nat Turner and others who chose to self-emancipate and also fight for their freedom. History is a timeline that should not be hidden or altered in any way that hides the truth. People should be allowed to learn that not all white people owned slaves and that not every black person in the United States was a slave, during the days of slavery. 

They should be able to learn about the abolitionist, the majority of which were white, who had just as much reason to celebrate Juneteenth as the ex-slaves did. Both groups wanted to see slavery end. A good place to start would be by doing away with two of the three blads of truth we now use your truth, my truth, and what really happened, which should all be reduced to simply, what really happened.